Pregnancy loss can be difficult for both women and men. In this research we are only focusing on miscarriage and elective abortion.
Pregnancy loss can be difficult for both women and men. In this research we are only focusing on miscarriage and elective abortion.
Your voice can help make a difference in our understanding of how these pregnancy losses can impact women’s and men’s lives. Please participate in this confidential and anonymous study.
It is estimated that half of all US pregnancies are unplanned and that there are approximately 650,000 miscarriages and 700,000 abortions every year in the US. There is much we don’t know about how these pregnancy losses can impact women and men, and their intimate relationships. Your participation in this survey research is completely voluntary and greatly appreciated.
Must be 18 or older, female who experienced a miscarriage or abortion OR male whose partner had a miscarriage or an abortion.
20 min. approx.
The Alliance for Postabortion Research & Training (APART) is a non-profit organization composed of a collaborative team of experienced researchers in reproductive and mental health. The data will be compiled anonymously and published in professional journals to assist health care providers to better understand and meet the mental health needs of women & men following pregnancy loss.
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